Management Level

Distance learning courses for CIMA's CGMA® Management level. For the Objective Tests choose between CIMA Study and CIMA Study Prime. 20% off all products, use code STUDY20 at checkout.

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Select your Management subject

The Management level is the second level of CIMA’s CGMA® Professional Qualification, and focuses on translating long-term decisions into medium-term plans.

For the objective tests choose between CIMA Study and CIMA Study Prime

  • E2 Managing Performance

    Aim of the syllabus

    You’ll learn about the mechanisms to implement decisions and manage people performance. You’ll learn how business models can be used as a framework to create value, how different styles of leadership can be used to improve the performance of individuals so they can achieve organisational goals and how to use project management concepts and techniques to implement strategies effectively and efficiently.

    Topics covered
    • Business models and value creation - 30%
      • Explain the ecosystems of organisations
      • Explain the elements of business models
      • Analyse new business models in digital ecosystems
    • Managing people performance - 40%
      • Compare and contrast different types of leadership and management styles.
      • Analyse individual and team performance.
      • Explain how to manage relationships.
    • Managing projects - 30%
      • Describe the concepts and phases of projects.
      • Apply tools and techniques to manage projects.
      • Explain the concepts of project leadership.
    Exam information
    • How to book an exam:
      For information on how to book your exams, and associated fees, visit the CIMA website.
    • Dates and locations:
      E2 consists of a 90 minute objective test. This is available on demand, meaning it can be sat at any time at a Pearson VUE centre, or remotely at home. Find your nearest Pearson VUE centre
    • Scheduling:
      We recommend that you schedule an exam at least two weeks in advance.
    • Exam structure:

      Objective tests consist of short multiple choice questions, number entry questions, drag and drop questions and other formats. For information about results visit the CIMA website.

      The three objective tests within the Management Level can be sat in any order. You must pass (or be exempt from) each of these objective tests before you can move onto the case study exam. When you have passed the case study exam you can move onto the Strategic Level.

    • CIMA membership:
      You are required to become a student member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to fulfil your qualification. Become a member on the CIMA website.
    Do I have exemptions?

    You must have completed the Operational Level before progressing on to the Management Level. Degree students may qualify for exemptions from the Management Level depending on the content of your degree. More about exemptions.


    2019 syllabus

  • P2 Advanced Management Accounting

    Aim of the syllabus

    You’ll learn how costs and their drivers are used to analyse, plan and manage costs to support the organisation strategy, with a long term focus. You’ll also learn about risks with decision-making.

    Topics covered
    • Managing the costs of creating value - 20%
      • Apply cost management and cost transformation methodology to manage costs and improve profitability.
      • Compare and contrast quality management methodologies.
      • Apply value management techniques to manage costs and improve value creation.
    • Capital investment decision-making - 35%
      • Apply the data required for decision-making.
      • Explain the steps and pertinent issues in the decision-making process.
      • Apply investment appraisal techniques to evaluate different projects.
      • Discuss pricing strategies.
    • Managing and controlling the performance of organisational units - 30%
      • Analyse the performance of responsibility centres and prepare reports.
      • Discuss various approaches to the performance and control of organisations.
      • Explain the behavioural and transfer pricing issues related to the management of responsibility centres.
    • Risk and control - 15%
      • Analyse risk and uncertainty associated with medium-term decision-making.
      • Analyse types of risk in the medium term.
    Exam information
    • How to book an exam:
      For information on how to book your exams, and associated fees, visit the CIMA website.
    • Dates and locations:
      P2 consists of a 90 minute objective test. This is available on demand, meaning it can be sat at any time at a Pearson VUE centre, or remotely at home. Find your nearest Pearson VUE centre.
    • Scheduling:
      We recommend that you schedule an exam at least two weeks in advance.
    • Exam structure:

      Objective tests consist of short multiple choice questions, number entry questions, drag and drop questions and other formats. For information about results visit the CIMA website.

      The three objective tests within the Management Level can be sat in any order. You must pass (or be exempt from) each of these objective tests before you can move onto the case study exam. When you have passed the case study exam you can move onto the Strategic Level.

    • CIMA membership:
      You are required to become a student member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to fulfil your qualification. Become a member on the CIMA website.
    Do I have exemptions?

    You must have completed the Operational Level before progressing on to the Management Level. Degree students may qualify for exemptions from the Management Level depending on the content of your degree. More about exemptions.


    2019 syllabus

  • F2 Advanced Financial Reporting

    Aim of the syllabus

    Building on knowledge gained in F1, you’ll learn how to source the long-term finance needed for operations like capital investments. You’ll learn about group accounting, and using financial statements to provide insights.

    Topics covered
    • Financing capital projects - 15%
      • Compare and contrast types and sources of long-term funds.
      • Calculate cost of long-terms funds.
    • Financial reporting standards - 25%
      • Explain relevant financial reporting standards for revenue, leases, financial instruments, intangible assets and provisions.
      • Explain relevant financial reporting standards for group accounts.
    • Group Accounts - 25%
      • Prepare group accounts based on IFRS.
      • Discuss additional disclosure issues related to the group accounts.
    • Integrated Reporting - 10%
      • Discuss the International (IR) Framework activities.
      • Explain the Six Capitals of Integrated Reporting.
    • Analysing financial statements - 25%
      • Analyse financial statements of organisations.
      • Recommend actions based on insights from the interpretation of financial statements.
      • Discuss the limitations of the tools used for interpreting financial statements.
    Exam information
    • How to book an exam:
      For information on how to book your exams, and associated fees, visit the CIMA website.
    • Dates and locations:
      F2 consists of a 90 minute objective test. This is available on demand, meaning it can be sat at any time at a Pearson VUE centre, or remotely at home. Find your nearest Pearson VUE centre
    • Scheduling:
      We recommend that you schedule an exam at least two weeks in advance.
    • Exam structure:

      Objective tests consist of short multiple choice questions, number entry questions, drag and drop questions and other formats. For information about results visit the CIMA website.

      The three objective tests within the Management Level can be sat in any order. You must pass (or be exempt from) each of these objective tests before you can move onto the case study exam. When you have passed the case study exam you can move onto the Strategic Level.

    • CIMA membership:
      You are required to become a student member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) to fulfil your qualification. Become a member on the CIMA website.
    Do I have exemptions?

    You must have completed the Operational Level before progressing on to the Management Level. Degree students may qualify for exemptions from the Management Level depending on the content of your degree. More about exemptions.


    2019 syllabus

  • CS Case Study

    Aim of the syllabus

    In an increasingly digital world, rapid changes in technology are creating challenges for the business models of organisations. It is also making it difficult for business leaders and employees to create and preserve sustainable value. Against this digital backdrop, it is imperative that finance professionals possess relevant technical skills, a sound understanding of their organisation, as well as the ability to influence and lead people. This will make them capable of providing the insight their organisations need to craft and successfully execute their strategies. 

    The 2019 syllabus continues to bridge the skills gap of newly qualified finance professionals worldwide, meeting the employability needs of both business and people. In designing the syllabus, we set out to enhance the relevance of the syllabus to employers; ensure the rigour of the related examinations and align the learning experience of candidates to the real world.

    Topics covered

    The case study is designed to bring together the knowledge learnt at the objective test levels. The case study exam is tested using core syllabus areas designed to reflect the daily tasks expected of a finance professional at the relevant exam level.

    The Management level focuses on translating long term decisions into medium term plans. Candidates will be able to use data and relevant technology to manage organisational and individual performance, allocate resources to implement decisions; monitor and report implementation of decisions; as well as prepare and interpret financial statements to show performance.

    At the Management level, the role simulated is that of a finance manager. The capstone Case Study Examination provides a simulated context allowing candidates to demonstrate that they have acquired the required knowledge, skills, techniques and the mindset required for that role.

    For further details please follow the examination blueprints.

    Please note that in order to sit the case study exam, you will need to have passed all of the Management level objective tests.

    Exam information
    • How to book an exam:
      For information on how to book your exams, and associated fees, visit the CIMA website.
    • Dates and locations:

      Case study exams can be sat at a Pearson Vue centre, or remotely at home. Find your nearest Pearson VUE centre.

      Case study exams are across a three day period four times a year - February, May, August, and November. For these dates visit the CIMA website.

    • Exam structure:
      The Case Study exams consist of a series of tasks based on pre-seen material. The pre-seen material will be made available within the CGMA®Study Hub 6 weeks prior to the exam window. For information about results visit the CIMA website.
    Do I have exemptions?

    You must pass (or be exempt from) all three Management Level objective tests before you can move onto the case study exam. If you have sat exams that you feel may give you exemptions from the case study please check with CIMA. Full details can be found here.

    When you have passed the case study exam you can move onto the Strategic Level.




Why choose CIMA Study Prime?

The Prime course has been designed having listened to student feedback. It offers additional support in 3 key areas:

  • Introduction to online learning

    Introductory video with a tutor, and an introductory welcome pack to help you structure your studies and get the most out of online learning.
  • Keeping your studies on track

    Access to a study programme to keep you focused and highlight areas of importance within the syllabus.
  • Additional study support

    Online versions of CIMA's official study materials and faster tutor feedback to help you understand more difficult topics.

Compare CIMA Study with CIMA Study Prime

The features below apply to Objective Test courses only (not Case Studies).

CIMA Study
CIMA Study Prime
CIMA Study

CIMA Study Prime

120 hours of e-learning content

Each course contains over 120 hours of content written and approved by CIMA

Jargon busters to clarify technical concepts
Mid module questions to check your understanding, with instant feedback

Check your progress with these tests, helping you to identify strengths and areas requiring further study.

Real life examples to help you simulate real life business problems and work out solutions

See how course content can be applied to solve real business problems, helping you to apply your own knowledge practically in work.

CIMA's CGMA® aptitude assessment - scored end of unit test that replicates exam conditions

Check if you are exam ready, with these multiple choice questions with instant feedback.

Tablet friendly content and easy navigation to support studying on the move
CIMA's official online study text

Online study text, accessed on a separate platform as an ebook, containing all the theory needed to pass your exams, including examples, questions and answers.

CIMA's official online revision kit

Online exam practice kit, accessed on a separate platform as an ebook, containing revision topics and past exam questions.

Introductory welcome pack

Welcome pack outlining syllabus, exam structure and learning resources available with CIMAstudy Prime.

Study planners

Breaks the course down into a week by week study phase at both the learning and revision phase, highlighting key topic areas and study tips. This allows you to better plan your studies around work and life commitments.

Pre-recorded introductory webinar

You will have access to a webinar recorded by a Kaplan Distance Learning tutor. The tutor will introduce you to your course, explain the various study material available to you, and provide advice and guidance on how to reach the goal of passing your examination.

Tutor response time to requests Within 48 hours email only Request a call back (UK candidates only) or email response within 24 hours

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CIMA Study courses include unlimited access to 50+ hours of award winning CGMA study support and well-being resources.

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